Thursday, December 5, 2013

If Tomorrow Comes

I dont come from an ordinary family. No, we are not aliens,but what I mean is that from a very young age, I have heard of karma, reincarnation and seances and spirits. Yes, my grandfather was a medium and a pretty good one. His main goal was to learn about life after death. He and a few of his friends received many messages from departed souls, some of who were relatives. The messages gave a collective data about what happens to us after death. Is there a life after? When are we reborn? Are we born as goats in the next life if we have been bad? There were many answers, many of which were highly complicated and had to be deciphered.

For one, those messages had to be read and reread for many times to really grasp its true meaning. The language was tall order. These were not some random musings by some lost soul. These were clear, precise, philosophical messages about karma, our purpose on earth and much more that I still dont really comprehend. I was exposed to such things as a very young girl. I was by my grandfather's bed when he took his last breath. I understood that death happens.

It is inevitable. Many around me, even now, shun the word 'death'. It is as if I had uttered the worst 4 letter word to date. I was perplexed. If death was inevitable, why was it shoved behind the curtain? To hide doesnt mean, it is'nt going to get you. Death will get you, me and everyone else. It is the scariest thing in this world, no doubt. But by shoving it underneath and not having the guts to talk or prepare for it, doesnt that make it worse?

Recently, I lost my cousin. He was a true gem and I miss him dearly. Despite all my philosophical views about death, his death truly shook me. Everyday I still think about him. But being shaken up, it gave me pure insight into one thing. THIS COULD HAPPEN TO ME TOO! And there is no guarantee that I will be alive tomorrow or even the next hour.
But what I can do is this - I need to do the things I want to do, not what others expect me to. Whether I finish them or not before my death, is immaterial.
But the most important thing that dawned on me is that I/we NEED say the things that need to be said. We need to tell the people in our lives how much they mean to us and never shy from saying simple words like "I love you", or "Sorry" or "Thank you" because in stark reality,we really dont know if tomorrow comes! Do the things you need to do TODAY, say the things that need to be said TODAY, because in reality- we never know if tomorrow comes!