Thursday, January 21, 2016

Dear Uncle Toni

Dear Uncle Toni,
Hola! Hope you are doing well, under the circumstances. You and Rafa are probably at a threshold now and entire world is watching your next move. I understand your intrepidation.
I want to begin with 2 things- I am aware that this might never reach you. You may never see this or read it, after all, I am just an author and a former pro who is unbeknownst to you. I also wanted to let you know that I dont belong to the Federer "faction" or the Rafa "cult". I am just a fan of tennis. So, my only attributes are a decent knowledge of the game and am unbiased( was ranked 132 in wta)
I read Rafa's autobiography and was mesmerized by it. There are not many parellels between me and Rafa, but for one thing. I could completely understand the dogged perseverance one goes through to attain to be the best in world. I came from a family where excuse was not an option and you learnt to fight through all odds. The pages where Rafa completed a match despite a bleeding finger or a bruised toe are all something that very few will be able to claim. And you are the pillar, that rock who gave him that from early on. TO NEVER GIVE UP.....Nobody else has been there with him or understands his every blink on the tennis court like you do.

Which is why we come to the next line. Your beloved protege is hurting. People are saying "He is done, he should quit". But deep down you know, he will not go out like this. He is full of self doubt and his confidence is on all time low. Purely in my opinion, it is nothing mental. He needs to be able to win some free points. His game style has been such that he used to wear opponents down every point. But Rafa is now getting older and the body has taken much beating. Rafa will need to either develop a bigger serve- get more oomph on the first serve and more angle on the 2nd serve, chip and charge on 2nd serve return and win more points at the net or take the ball earlier and be closer to the baseline( which maybe a much complicated addition to his arsenal).
In my life, there are instances where a particular course of action becomes so inevitable that I am forced to follow that instinct. I suspect you are in this mode now.

I, for one, completely comprehend the magnitude of your relationship with Rafa. You only wish the best for him, but this time that also means to " Let HIM GO". Rafa's game needs a fresh mind thats excited and can bring a new weapon to his game. Another coach could be just an addition or he could be the main driver. I would pick somebody like a Darren Cahill or Paul Annacone who has been there and done that and one that can bring in a new calm perspective to your team, but I am sure there are others you can think of.
As in any sport, you know there are no guarantees, but at least, if and when you make this change, you will be at peace knowing you gave it all you got! Rafa maybe stubborn about keeping it in the family, but you have to see this through. For Rafa's sake, this has to happen!!!