Thursday, December 9, 2010

Family time

The past few days have been totally out of the ordinary for me.
Firstly, I spent one entire day from dawn to dusk in the charming enthusiastic company of my 4 year old. We hiked upto a bridge near our house with the sole intention of hearing the PLOP!! when the stones hit the brook below. Then we rushed home to just get ready for our Matinee Madness with Rapunzel in the Tangled!! This was Sahana's first experience to the Big Screen and to say that she was thrilled was an understatement. The animation was quite spectacular and both Sahana and I were glued to the screen. After we got home, we decided to bake soem cookies. Sahana and i mixed up the dough and the cookies turned out to be quite tasty. i dont think I have spent that kind of a relaxing day with her in the past year.
Then the day before my birthday,she said she would make a wish for me that I would have no troubles forever!! That was quite touching. My brother and his wife Priya joined Sanjeev,Sahana and me for a drive upto San Francsico on the 8th dec and we had a cozy dinner in Little Italy. I could not have asked for a better way to spend my birthday!!

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