Friday, February 4, 2011

Sorry state of affairs

Fed Cup results from Nonthanburi,Thailand are just coming in and India's performance has been a bit disappointing. India lost to China,Uzbekistan and lastly to Thailand.
This is not new, India has been in this state, stagnant and monotonous for more than 15-20 years. India has been in and out of Group 1 time and time again. But never ever has it come close to actually qualifying into the World Group.
After all, that should be the target,is it not?
But that target has been shoved into the shadows and all that is expected of the team is to cause a few upsets and remain in Group 1 for the next year. If one were to analyse this, it is so obvious that are some stark issues that needs to be addressed.
Sania wins all her singles matches. India has a few options for the 2nd player, Poojashree is a talented girl who has done fairly well on the circuit. But beyond Sania, there is no one in the horizon. And its not one person we should be looking out for-its the pack of wolves that I am talking about. We need at least 8-10 girls able to threaten the top women and ready and raring to go.
It is just wishful thinking mainly because the people at the helm of affairs are probably not willing to concede that there needs to be radical change for Women's tennis in india. It is as apparent and as obvious now as it was to me months ago, when as a 33 yr old and after 8 years of retirement, I made the Indian team. First comes the admittance, then can come action.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You summed it brilliantlly and powerfully in one sentence: "It is as apparent and as obvious now as it was to me months ago, when as a 33 yr old and after 8 years of retirement, I made the Indian team."

You should write more often, Niru :)